LEADER PHSXO-EDIDPHABRIX Vertical Ancilllary Statuas Data Software Option


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SW Option: HDMI EDID viewer license (req. PHSFP-HDMI-OUT)

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The EDID viewer option PHSXO-EDID is available for the PHABRIX TAG only, and displays both RAW ancillary data and decoded EDID information in a tabular display. It obtains the EDID information using a dedicated SFP and cable which must be purchased separately (PHSFP-HDMI-OUT). For those customers requiring support for 3G formats, the PHSXO-3GADV license will be required.

Key applications for the EDID viewer are testing video walls in MCR installations, OB applications, professional AV infrastructure and manufacturing companies.

The data example displayed in the table indicates the manufacturers basic EDID characteristics of the monitor under test, such as native resolution and colour support.

The PHSFP-HDMI-OUT Must be ordered in conjunction with the EDID viewer option to connect to a monitor. Along with EDID display the SFP enables the generator on the TAG to transmit test patterns out through the HDMI SFP.

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    PHABRIX Vertical Ancilllary Statuas Data Software OptionLEADER PHSXO-EDIDPHABRIX Vertical Ancilllary Statuas Data Software Option
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